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Simple Social Sharing for Nuxt

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Simple Social Sharing for Nuxt 3

Release Notes | Demo

🌟 Features

  • Provides a minimal config <SocialShare> component
  • The component is unstyled by default for easy integration in any design
  • Optional styled version, that can still be further customized
  • A useSocialShare composable is exposed, to provide even more flexibility if needed
  • Many major social networks supported

🛠️ Setup & Configuraton

  1. Add @stefanobartoletti/nuxt-social-share dependency to your project
npx nuxi@latest module add nuxt-social-share
  1. Nuxi should have already added @stefanobartoletti/nuxt-social-share to the modules section of nuxt.config.ts, if not add it manually:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  // module added by Nuxi
  modules: [
  1. Configure the module options to your needs:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  // configuration options
  socialShare: {
    baseUrl: 'https://www.yoursite.com' // required!
    // other optional module options

Available options:

baseUrlYesString''This is the base URL of your website, likely the address of the homepage. It is required, all URLs to be shared will be built as relative paths to this. You can also use an enviromment variable.
styledNoBooleanfalseWhether the <SocialShare> components should be styled or not. It is false by default to allow for easier custom styling (*).
labelNoBooleantrueWhether the text label in the <SocialShare> components should be rendered or not (*).
iconNoBooleantrueWhether the icon in the <SocialShare> components should be rendered or not (*).

!TIP (*) It can be set also on a single component level via props, but it is usually better to set this from the module options to create your defaults, and override it with props only if needed.

🎨 Using the <SocialShare> component

The <SocialShare> component provides a share button for a single social network, that you must select with the network prop; you will need to use it as many times as your total needed networks.

<!-- Basic use -->
<SocialShare network="facebook" />

<SocialShare network="twitter" />

<SocialShare network="linkedin" />

<!-- Customization with props -->
<SocialShare network="facebook" :styled="true" :label="false" />

The component will render by default the following minimal HTML:

  class="social-share-button social-share-button--{network}"
  href="{share url}"
  style="--color-brand: {network brand color};"
  aria-label="Share with {network}"
  <svg class="social-share-button__icon">{...}</svg>
  <span class="social-share-button__label">Share</span>

An additional social-share-button--styled class will be added to the <a> element if :styled="true", while the <span> and <svg> elements will be rendered conditionally according to the label and icon props.


  • The component comes unstyled by default, only providing some minimal flex properties to correctly align icon and label.
  • Every button has a social-share-button--{network} class and a local --color-brand CSS variable based on the selected social network; you can use them to customize your styles.
  • It is also possible to use Tailwind to style the component. Applied classes that will be passed down to the <a> element.
  • These customizations are also possible when using the styled version.
  • The only required prop is network, other like styled or label are best set from the module options (see 'Configuration' below)
  • The component only provides a single share button. As you will typically need to use more of them at once, you should place them inside a wrapper to distribute them according to your design.
  • In order to avoid duplicate code when using many instances of the component, especially if you need to customize it, a wise approach is to iterate it with v-for and an array of the needed networks.

A common use when using i.e. Tailwind could be as follows:

<div class="flex flex-row gap-2">
    v-for="network in ['facebook', 'twitter', 'linkedin', 'email']"
    class="p-4 rounded-none"


networkYesStringnoneThe social network or messaging service where the content should be shared. This is required for the component to work. A list of the supported networks is available below.
styledNoBooleanfalseWhether the component should be styled or not. It is false by default to allow for easier custom styling. Additional customization is possible also when set to true (*).
labelNoBooleantrueWhether the text label should be rendered or not (*).
iconNoBooleantrueWhether the icon should be rendered or not (*).
urlNoStringthe current page URLThe URL that will be shared on the selected social network. Defaults to the current page address. On most cases you don't need another value, but if you need to change it, you can set it with this prop.
titleNoStringnoneTitle used as a parameter of the sharing URL in supported networks. Optional, see the "Supported Networks" table below
userNoStringnoneUsername used as parameter of the sharing URL in supported networks. Optional, see the "Supported Networks" table below
hashtagsNoStringnoneHashtags used as parameter of the sharing URL in supported networks. Optional, see the "Supported Networks" table below
imageNoStringnoneImage path used as parameter of the sharing URL in supported networks. Optional, see the "Supported Networks" table below

!TIP (*) It is also possible to globally set this property from the module options. It is available also as a prop to allow a different behavior on a single instance of the component.


The <SocialShare> component comes with two named slots, that can be used respectively to customize the label or the icon. These slots can be used alone or together.

!NOTE These slots are still affected by respective label and icon settings, either being provided by the module options or by the component props. If set to false, no label or icon will be rendered, even if a custom value is provided in the respective slots.


Used to customize the button's label. Optional, defaults to "Share" if not provided.


<!-- Custom label, renders the network name -->
  v-for="network in ['facebook', 'twitter', 'linkedin', 'email']"
  <template #label>{{ network }}</template>


Used to customize the button's icon. Useful when another icon style is required. Optional, defaults to the internal style icons if not provided. Both a raw svg or a custom component can be used.

Works nicely with the NuxtIcon module, if used.

<!-- Custom icon -->
  v-for="network in ['facebook', 'twitter', 'linkedin', 'email']"
  <!-- Either with a custom SVG ... -->
  <template #icon><svg>{...}</svg></template>
  <!-- ... OR with a component, i.e. from NuxtIcon -->
  <template #icon><Icon name="mdi:${network}" /></template>


The <SocialShare> comes with two strings localized by default in English: the rendered label inside the button, and the value of the aria-label attribute used for accessibility purposes.

It is very easy to customize and localize both these strings, by using both the label slot and providing an aria-label attribute that will override the default value:

  v-for="network in ['facebook', 'twitter', 'linkedin', 'email']"
  :aria-label="`Condividi con ${network}`"
  <template #label>Condividi</template>

🔩 Using the useSocialShare composable

Using the customizable component should cover almost every use case, but if needed the useSocialShare composable can be directly accessed for even more flexibility. This composable is also used internally to create the <SocialShare> components.

Like the component, one instance of useSocialShare should be used for every needed share.

An options object should be passed as an argument, like in the following example:

<script setup>
// Basic minimal use
const shareFacebook = useSocialShare({ network: 'facebook' })

// All possible options
const shareFacebook = useSocialShare({
  network: 'facebook', // Required!
  url: 'https://www.example.com', // Optional, defaults to current page URL if not provided
  title: 'My Custom Title', // Optional, see the "Supported Networks" table below
  user: 'twitter_user', // Optional, see the "Supported Networks" table below
  hashtags: 'list,of,hashtags', // Optional, see the "Supported Networks" table below
  image: 'https://www.example.com/path/to/image.jpg', // Optional, see the "Supported Networks" table below

It will return the following object:

  "name": "facebook", // Name of the selected social network
  "shareUrl": "https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https://www.example.com", // Sharing url
  "icon": {
    "viewBox": "0 0 24 24",
    "path": "M14 13.5h2.5l1-4H14v-2c0-1.03 0-2 2-2h1.5V2.14c-.326-.043-1.557-.14-2.857-.14C11.928 2 10 3.657 10 6.7v2.8H7v4h3V22h4z"
  }, // SVG Icon attributes
  "color": "#0866FF" // Main brand color of the selected network

You can then use some or all the returned properties, according to your project setup and requirements.

↗️ Supported networks

A list of the currently supported networks and of their URL parameters

parameters can be used by passing the respective prop in the component or in the composable. Passing props to a network that does not support it won't have any effect.

Social NetworkurltitleuserhashtagsimageNotes
twitter✔️✔️✔️user is the X username mentioned in the post. hashtags is string, use a "comma separate values" format to pass multiple values
email✔️title is used in the subject, url in the body of the email

✅ = Supported, has a default value if not provided ✔️ = Supported, it won't be used int the final sharing url if not provided ❌ = Not supported

!NOTE Contributions to add more networks are welcome, but keep in mind that PR will be accepted only for networks that have a documentation available in English among other languages.

🤝 Contributing

!NOTE If you want to contribute you can start by reading the Contributing guidelines.

  • Clone this repository
  • Enable Corepack using corepack enable
  • Install dependencies using pnpm install
  • Run pnpm dev:prepare to generate type stubs.
  • Use pnpm dev to start playground in development mode.
  • Lint any new edit by running pnpm lint --fix

📝 License


© 2023-present Stefano Bartoletti